Have you heard of Toastmasters?

Have you? I have.
It’s one of the largest nonprofit organisations in the world, with a strong focus on providing infrastructure (of resources of any kind with the gigantic library of the almost 100 years old organisation) for people in need on public speaking and leadership.
According to the Toastmasters website the answer to the question “What is Toastmasters?” is:
Do you want to practice public speaking, improve your communication and build leadership skills? With Toastmasters, you can break barriers, not your budget. Learn more about the history of the organization and our methodology to help maximize your potential!
It’s a world-wide organisation and if you look it up, you’ll, most probably, find a club close to you. There is even an option on the Toastmasters website to check the closest club, provided that you let the website access to your location. You can even do it manually if you don’t want the browser to do it for you.
Toastmasters is available in 143 countries with over 358,000 members all around. If it’s not available in your country, don’t worry. Toastmasters International, I mean the headoffice staff and people in your neighbouring countries will help you start a club in your country/city/town/village.
I’ve been a member of Istanbul Turkish Toastmasters Club for nearly 7 years now. It’s greatly impacted my life both of my public speaking skills and also my talks in general. As for leadership skills, I didn’t pursue it since I was mostly focusing on myself and to improve self leadership skills. If I want to start the details of the impact of Toastmasters on my life, the writing will become kind of an autobiography and boring at the same time. Since it’ll be quite a long one. I’ll share some other ideas and affect in future posts. With this post, I just want to inform the people, who are interested in public speaking and improving leadership skills opportunities Toastmasters International is offering to everybody, who seeks them.
Just ask your questions in the comments. I’ll answer them as fast as I can.