Need a Movie Suggestion? Try “The Dictator”
It’s coronavirus time babe. Everybody needs something to kill time with. Ever wondered how some countries in the Middle East and some African countries are ruled. Watch this movie. It may be not as...
Ya yaparsınız, ya yapmazsınız. Denemek diye birşey yoktur. / You do or you do not do. There is no try.
It’s coronavirus time babe. Everybody needs something to kill time with. Ever wondered how some countries in the Middle East and some African countries are ruled. Watch this movie. It may be not as...
Ankara Antlaşması / Blog-tr / Çözüm İnsanı / İngiltere / Mühendislik
15 July 2020
Biraz da Politika / Blog-tr / İngiltere / Londra
Türkiye Mühendis Kaybetti, ABD Bakıcı Kazandı
11 August 2021