Savouring Each Moment
When was the last time you took your time, you savoured it? Savoured what you are doing at that specific moment in time. That you let it sink in your mind and soul. Today’s...
Ya yaparsınız, ya yapmazsınız. Denemek diye birşey yoktur. / You do or you do not do. There is no try.
Blog-en / Globetrotter / London / UK
When was the last time you took your time, you savoured it? Savoured what you are doing at that specific moment in time. That you let it sink in your mind and soul. Today’s...
Ankara Antlaşması / Blog-tr / Çözüm İnsanı / İngiltere / Mühendislik
15 July 2020
Biraz da Politika / Blog-tr / İngiltere / Londra
Türkiye Mühendis Kaybetti, ABD Bakıcı Kazandı
11 August 2021